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Six End of Year Summer Time Activities for Students

In this article we give teachers resources to encourage fun end of school year summer activities to do all summer long!

Why should summer be boring if there is no fun vacation trip planned?

Having a good summer without going on a “vacation” doesn’t mean we can’t have fun while staying at home!

Finding the right activities students can enjoy all summer may be a challenge given how technology is the quick and easy go to activity that keeps us engaged for hours on end! 

The video below shows how boys and girls respond to learning. This may be help when keeping in mind what activities may work best with boys verses girls. 


If you are looking for ways to avoid spending yours, or your kids entire day on electronics then keep reading!

The kids may not like it, but even though school is out, it doesn’t mean that a routine has to also be out for the summer.

Building Creative Minds All Summer Long

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Summer Time Activities as a Daily Schedule

We have put together a category list of five must use activities you (or your kids) will enjoy and will find time for this summer. 

summer time activity cards


You can get access to this visual activity planner by visiting the ETI Academy TpT store here.

Below you will find our recommended list of activities to keep you busy all summer long!

I. Simply Physical Activities

We encourage children to include some simple physical activities in their day to keep their energy levels high. 

The benefits to physical activities is plentiful as it builds muscles and maintains the body and mind in good health.

Simple physical activities around the house could be as simple as running around in the back yard, or running through the water sprinkler to play games with house hold garden items. 

summer time activities at home

Other physical activities could be as simple as going for a simple walk, run, or hike. 

Daily visits to the nearby dry or water parks encourage children to explore what the park has to offer, as well improving their critical thinking skills in looking to discover new things.

The goal with physical activities is to get the mind and body energized!

Keeping the mind active could also mean learning a new language!

II. Learning a New Language

What are the benefits of learning a new language?

It expands your own language skills and teaches us to other connect languages together.

Studies show that learning more than one language greatly improves memory skills and makes it easier to learn any subject, such as science or math.

In building language skills it is important to recognize how to improve on each skill. 

It starts with listening skills, encourage your children to build their listening skills with games and activities. 

You can encourage learning new languages through play acting as well. 

Other ways to build language skills include

  • board games such as Scrabble
  • word puzzles 
  • an app called Duolingo to help build language skills each day

Why not turn the skills we are using in language activities and become musical?

III. Musical Activities

Research has shown that playing a musical instrument increases your critical thinking skills as well as memory skills. 

summer music activities

Playing an instrument may not be an affordable past time, however, thanks to the internet we can use certain apps that help teach us how to play certain instruments. 

Being musical could also mean learning how to sing. Learning a musical talent can be seen as an educational activity.

Learning a musical talent can be seen as an educational activity.


IV & V. Educational / Research Activities

Now wait, I know what you’re thinking, most of us don’t want to hear the word educational during summer months. 

True, but when we say educational it doesn’t have to mean going to school.

Do you (or your children) ask questions or ever wonder what it is out there;  such as with space or the oceans of the world?

Why not take a little time out of your day to research a topic that you may find interesting to learn more about and share it with others!

Educational activities in summer pretty much means ways to doing any activity that improves life skills. 

We mean here

  • playing board games (which can help improve math skills)
  • visiting the local library
  • exploring the arts through writing stories, plays, or drawing
  • helping in and around the house with chores or cooking.

Why not encourage your children to help make new recipes in the kitchen?  

VI. Kitchen Activities

Learning to cook or bake is a life skill that most people would appreciate having in their aprons. The level of creativities that can result from cooking remain endless.


We at The ETI Academy believe that the skills we learn in the kitchen can be easily applied to the classroom. 

If you consider how much learning goes on in the kitchen, we can see how that same learning helps build confidence in the classroom.

Now that we have a list of 5 main activities to choose from how can we build a schedule of activities during the week? 

 The timing of your schedule and the duration of each activities can be adjusted to suit the age levels of your children.

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Final Thoughts…

You will note that we do include a time for electronics as it is inevitable that children would want some electronics time. However, it is important to  keep it no more than the recommended daily amount (when possible!)

Both parents and children found that, due to online learning becoming a necessity in 2020 and beyond, electronics weren’t only for relaxation and so this made the stresses of learning even more challenging. 

In our blog section you will also find ways for both parents and students to cope with the stresses that came with learning online. Click on the highlighted words to learn more. 

Click here for our blogs focusing on learning online. 

And finally, some of the best ways to wind down the day is with family. Some simple activities could include family movie night, or story time just before bed. One last point to mention is to include laughter in your daily to make any challenges that come your way a little easier to handle. 

We hope you found this article useful and will be of help in making this summer a more enjoyable one for both you and your family!

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