resources to teach digital SAT test preparation

Resources to Teach SAT Test Preparation

In this blog, we’ll offer resources to teach SAT test preparation strategies designed to help students succeed in their Digital SAT preparation. Preparing for the SAT can be a challenging yet rewarding experience for students, and having the right resources to teach SAT test preparation can make all the difference.

resources to teach digital SAT test preparation

From practice tests and study guides to interactive learning platforms and time management strategies, these resources are tailored to enhance students’ test-taking skills and build confidence. Whether you’re a homeschooling parent, a tutor, or an educator, these resources will equip you with everything needed to guide students toward achieving their best scores on the Digital SAT.

These resources to teach SAT test preparation include a variety of materials that cater to different learning styles, ensuring that each student can find the resources to teach SAT test preparation that suits their needs.

What does the SAT mean?

The word SAT stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test. It is administered by the College Board in the United States of America. It is an American based test.

Moreover, students can track their progress using resources to teach SAT test preparation, helping to identify areas for improvement.

To maximize effectiveness, it’s best to combine different types of resources to teach SAT test preparation.

It assesses a student’s readiness for college and is designed to measure mathematical proficiency, evidence-based reading, and writing skills. The SAT is often a key component of college applications, providing institutions with a standardized benchmark to evaluate the academic abilities of applicants.


Remember that the key to success in using resources to teach SAT test preparation is consistency and practice.

SAT princeton vs kaplan


For effective preparation, it’s essential to incorporate a diverse range of resources to teach SAT test preparation, as this will help students build a comprehensive understanding of the material.

In 2023 the SAT became digital. The videos shared here reference the paper and pencil SAT. While the format of the SAT has changed, the stratgies remain the same.


Utilizing these resources to teach SAT test preparation allows students to familiarize themselves with the test format and types of questions they will encounter.

Integrating multiple resources to teach SAT test preparation can also enhance student engagement and motivation.

The SAT Outline

Additionally, leveraging technology and online platforms as resources to teach SAT test preparation can provide students with an interactive learning experience.

It’s vital to select resources to teach SAT test preparation that align with the current format of the test, ensuring students are well-prepared.

By utilizing different resources to teach SAT test preparation, educators can better meet the varied needs of their students.

For those preparing students for college, these resources to teach SAT test preparation are indispensable.

Incorporating the right resources to teach SAT test preparation into your study plan can significantly affect student outcomes.

As students enhance their skills using various resources to teach SAT test preparation, their confidence will also grow.

The image below outlines the old format of the test.  The best test preparation strategies when preparing to take the SAT is to understand the outline of the test, the format of the questions, and the grammar needed to respond to the questions. 


SAT TEST Outline

Changes to the SAT

Starting January 2021, the SAT has undergone several changes in recent years.

The most notable adjustment was the discontinuation of the SAT Subject Tests and the optional Essay section in January 2021.

The College Board, which administers the SAT, stated that this decision aimed to reduce the demand for additional testing and make the SAT more focused and streamlined.

Additionally, the pandemic led to the suspension of SAT Subject Tests and the optional Essay section earlier than planned.


Things to know about the Digital SAT


The Digital SAT Paper Format

The timing of the digital SAT paper form will differ from the SAT that is delivered digitally because, unlike the digitally delivered test, the paper forms are nonadaptive and more questions are required to assess your knowledge and skills.

SAT paper test preparation

In the digital SAT paper form, the Reading and Writing modules will contain 33 questions in each module and students will have 39 minutes to complete each module. The Mathematics modules will contain 27 questions and students will have 43 minutes to complete each module.

Therefore there will be a total of 120 questions with 164 minutes allowed.

The College Board adds on additional questions to the paper format to allow for better assessment of skills for the two sections of the test.


With the right resources to teach SAT test preparation, students can focus on their strengths and weaknesses.

Lastly, keep in mind that the resources to teach SAT test preparation are designed to be flexible and accommodating.

Changes to the Evidenced Based Reading and Writng Sections

As you explore these various resources to teach SAT test preparation, keep an open mind about different techniques and strategies.

The resources to teach SAT test preparation mentioned here are specifically curated to enhance student performance.

The basic format of this section is the same. The question types haven’t changed, but the sections have been merged together.

sat test preparation header


The new digital SAT has modules. Each module contains a set questions. Half of the questions focus on evidence based reading, and the rest focus on the writing.


Changes to the Math Section

Be sure to review these resources to teach SAT test preparation regularly as you prepare for the exam.

The main change is that calculators are now allowed for each question. There is no more “No calculator” section. Students will now be able to use their calculators for all questions.

By utilizing these resources to teach SAT test preparation effectively, students can approach the exam with confidence.

Utilizing a blend of resources to teach SAT test preparation will prepare students to excel in all areas of the exam.


math online resources


The most important change is the time students have to do the test. It has been reduced from 3 hours to 2 hours.

Resources to Teach SAT Test Preparation by the ETI Academy

We present test preparation videos as well as recommended resources that highlight important test taking strategies when taking the SAT.


Exploring additional resources to teach SAT test preparation can further enhance learning outcomes.

Now available on the blog is the ETI Academy Shop where I have a new SAT eBook available along with a course on how to prepare for the test!


table of contents for sat performance ebook


Click here to view the collection of SAT ebooks in our TpT store!

At the end of this article you can sign up to receive our  SAT eBook email series designed to help your achieve success with each section of the test.

Navigate Each Section of the SAT Test

This blog contains affiliate links to highlighted books and websites. By clicking on the links and making a purchase we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Click here for full disclosure.

Achieve Success With Our SAT Test Preparation Videos!

The videos below include general overviews of both sections,  tips on how to prepare for each section, and what to expect on test day. 


After watching the videos, visit the recommended websites below to see available resources and books you can use to further prepare for the test. 

SAT Evidence Based Reading and Writing Sections

This video presents a general overview of the SAT 1 Evidence based reading and writing sections of the exam. 

It will also provide SAT test prep tips on how to understand question categories in each of the sections of the exam, along with general test prep tips on how to handle test questions.

SAT Math Section: Calculator vs. No Calculator

.How much should you depend on you calculator? The SAT Math section contains two sections; Calculator Math and No Calculator Math. 

In conclusion, using resources to teach SAT test preparation is critical for achieving high scores.


This video presents a general overview of the entire exam. It will also provide SAT test prep tips on how to understand question categories in each of the sections of the exam, along with general tips on how to solve test questions.

Click here for more SAT Math based practice questions

How Long Should You Prepare for The SAT?

The college board recommends you give yourself 6 to 20 hours preparation time before taking the test.  You should also consider a 4 hour practice test to figure out which sections you need to prepare longer for.


Free SAT checklist


Now that you have watched our self-directed videos on the best self-guided strategies to preparing for the SAT, should you continue to go at it alone, or should you get help with preparing for the test?


Consider PrepScholar for Top SAT Results

In order to give yourself a better sense of direction when it comes to your progress in understanding each section of the SAT, EduKitchen recommends signing up for professional support with PrepScholar.  

Investing in your SAT preparation strategies will bring great rewards to your university career. The scores you get on the SAT will help you reach in being accepted into your dream university!



PrepScholar offers online support and resources that will show you first hand the format of the SAT questions and how you should approach answering the questions, in terms of what to look for in answering the questions.

Click here to sign up for your SAT test preparation course by Prepscholar today.

Not sure if you should sign up? Try it for free first! You can also sign up for a free consultation to ask more questions!

SAT Test Preparation Books and Web Resources


Best colleges guide


BestColleges. com – Best SAT Books

The following website highlights some of the more popular SAT study guide books available to purchase. Click on the image to visit the website. 

The Digital SAT Websites

The digital SAT is an online version of the traditional paper and pencil version of the test. It will be administered internationally starting MArch 2023, and within the United States starting in 2024.

For more detailed information on the digital SAT, including the online resource book called BlueBook, visit the College Board (see links below).

Join our community to share your experiences with resources to teach SAT test preparation and learn from others.

If you do choose to go at it on your own, there are many test preparation books available to help with studying for the SAT. We provide links to the most comprehensive list of SAT books, and direct resources, to help compare and make a decision as to which book is best for you.

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We would like to hear from you! Let us hear your thoughts how you have been preparing to take the SAT! Leave us your thoughts in the comments below! 


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