7 Proven Ways to Teach for Success in Any Classroom
In this article we offer 7 proven ways to teach for success to help teachers in building and maintaining a “recipe” for success with their approaches to teaching in order to make for a successful school year.

Recipes in the kitchen need essential ingredients to make every part of the meal something to remember.

There are important steps to follow through in the recipe that leads to the ultimate satisfaction of the meal we are about to enjoy.
But did you stop to think that a food recipe also includes life skills that teach us organization, problem solving, and communication?

At EduKitchen & the ETI Academy we believe that both students and teachers, with the right skills, can develop general life skills and strategies that when used correctly, can create recipes for success for their educational and future goals.
And if we keep these important life skills in mind, we are on our way to building a healthy mind checklist to share with students that help build strategies that can lead to success with learning goals every time!

Teaching From the Kitchen
Through our videos and resources we share important connections between what life can teach us, like being organized in the kitchen, and show how it benefits us in the classroom. Take a look at our videos and resources below.
Edukitchen comes from understanding how education has a close relationship to the kitchen. The ETI Academy connects with EduKitchen by bringing education through inspiration we get from the kitchen into the classroom!

Our mission is to help teachers build classroom communities by looking at the world around us and how the kitchen can be the first classroom teachers can teach from!
Find more reasons why the kitchen is thought to be an important part of education by clicking here.
Journal Writing and Teaching
This blog contains affiliate links to highlighted websites and/or resources. By clicking on the link and making a purchase we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Click here for full disclosure.
Journal writing helps teachers connect emotions to their teaching through expressing responses to what went well and what did not in the classroom
Taking the time as a teacher to reflect at what goals have been met through self-love means criticism ccan be expressed through having their own journal time in reflecting what happens in the classroom.
Promptly journals provides teachers and their family and friends opportunities to use journals to capture special or important moments in their lives.
Visit Promptly Journals today!
The 7 Ways to Teach for Success
Let us begin with recognizing the seven must have skills that can build a teacher’s recipe for success in teaching.

I. Enthusiasm
(1) Begin with enthusiasm – It is in all of us, we just have to recognize it’s potential. We also need to recognize that we can do it, we just need to believe that we can, and nobody can tell you otherwise!
II. Confidence
(2) Add confidence – believe that nothing can stand in your way, and that you can, and will teach to inspire!
III. Organization
(3) Sprinkle with organization –where is your happy place for preparing your lessons!

IV. Time Management
(4) Include some time management – are you an early bird or night owl – what time are you most productive!
V. Problem Solving Skills
(5) Fold in your problem solving skills – recognize what you know, what you need to find, and how you solve that need!
VI. Communication Skills
(6) Season well with communication – allow yourself to ask questions when you don’t understand or are able to share what you know with others! Positive words only!
VII. Patience
(7) Blend the previous ingredients with patience – “Rome wasn’t built in a day” is the quote that tells us that patience in allowing for mistakes as you teach will help you grow in teaching and understanding.
Our mindset is also important; the last three ingredients on the list; consistency, goals, and positive outlooks help build a positive mindset for teaching.
We have put these seven skills in a free resource to download or to share with others.
Now that you have created your recipes for learning, think about how you learn, and why it is so important.
How We Teach Is Important for Success
If we change the focus of our learning from WHAT we are teaching to HOW we will teach the material, it will allow us to understand and believe more as to WHY we need to teach the material.
This mindshift encourages teachers to explore the best methods for fostering student understanding, such as hands-on activities, discussions, and real-world applications. As a result, this intentional approach to teaching leads to a stronger comprehension of the why behind our instruction—the fundamental purpose and significance of the material we teach.
It helps us recognize the value of education beyond memorization, inspiring both educators and students to see learning as a meaningful and transformative experience. We offer teachers some easy and ready-to-use classroom tools to help make the experience easier.
These tools inlcude:
- Classroom Daily Agenda Template for All Grades
- Daily Teacher Agenda Template for All Grades
- Monthly Lesson Plan Chart Template for All Grades
- Daily Seating Chart Templates for All Grades
- First Day Semester Checklist for All Grades
- Classroom Management Rules Bundle
Along with how you teach, it is also important to consider how humor can make teaching so much more fun and interesting.
Consider Adding a Little Laughter To The List
Consider adding a little laughter in with all the seriousness of creating such recipes for teaching.
When we learn to see the humor in how sometimes things don’t go as expected, or the unintended consequences of doing (or not doing) things, then we make our day just a little bit brighter by taking away some of the anxieties we associate with teaching or life!
Now put these ideas all together and you have a recipe for success in teaching!
Our Kitchen to Classroom Video
Watch our video below to see how the kitchen makes for the first classroom in our lives.
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Connect to our other pages as you navigate through our website. Explore what these pages have to offer you and you will be glad you did!
- How to Build Effective Classroom Management Strategies
- What Are Formative Assessments in Education?
- Effective Lesson Plans Checklist for Teachers
- 5 Important Tips for PreService Teachers
- 5 Life Skills Needed For Classroom Learning
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- How Educational Videos Help Students Learn
Join Us Today!
Teachers can help build enthusiams for learning about healthy eating through educational resources by EduKitchen & The ETI Academy.
Copy of My Meal Plan by Danya Khelfa

Final Thoughts..
The purpose behind building a “recipe for teaching” is to understand that how we teach plays a major role in others success in education. It will help us build the necessary skills and abilities to understand what we are teaching.
And if for nothing else, creating recipes for teaching can help make us become better at problem solving – which we need to recognize is a very important life skill. Your brain will thank you for it!
Think about how many problems you solve in one day!
Still counting?
Share Your Thoughts
Let us know your thoughts on our idea that teaching can be like creating a recipe!
Finally remember that…
If we build our enthusiasm for knowledge using our life skills through patience, we gain the necessary confidence to do well in our teaching career.