classroom management vs discipline

Classroom Management vs Discipline In the Classroom

In this article we look at the relationship between classroom management vs discipline in K-12 education, and why it is important to understand the difference between clssrom management and discipline and their connections to learning. Let’s get into what both of these terms mean. What Is the Difference Between Classroom Management vs Discipline ? Discipline strategies are one…

genders in the classsoom

The Equality of Gender in the Classroom

This article takes a closer look at how the equality of gender in the classroom actually works to enhance learning. The equality of gender in the classroom means understanding the benefits both boys and girls bring to the classroom in how they approach learning information. Prior to middle school, generally there is not much difference…

behavior strategies inside the classroom

Top Behavior Strategies Inside the Classroom

Effective behavior strategies inside the classroom are essential for creating a positive learning environment and promoting student success. In this article we will discuss strategies that have been proven to work well. But before we do that, let’s talk about how much behavior management strategies have changed over the years in education. In the past,…

formative assessments in education

What Are Formative Assessments in Education?

Formative assessments in education are tools and strategies used by teachers to monitor student learning and provide ongoing feedback. Unlike summative assessments, which evaluate learning at the end of a unit, formative assessments happen during the learning process. Their primary purpose is to identify areas where students are excelling or struggling, enabling teachers to adjust…

lesson plans checklist for teachers

Effective Lesson Plans Checklist for Teachers

Work smarter not harder by using our effective lesson plans checklist for teachers! In this article we provide a comprehensive 7 point lesson plans checklist for teacherswhen sharing lesson plans for teachers. We provide free templates and sample lesson plans to download. Check out this free lesson plans checklist for teachers available in our Canva…

teaching educational strategies

The Main Focus of Teaching Educational Strategies

In teaching educational strategies we offer 5 reasons why a shift in focus in approaching teaching and learning, will benefit both teachers and students. In this article, we look to provide teachers and students with reasons why a change in focus with their approach to educational strategies can help to bring success to the classroom….


How to Build Effective Classroom Management Strategies

In this article we share effective classroom management strategies and resources, including how to control a noisy classroom, for the three main levels in education: primary, middle, and high school levels. Classroom management must be the focus of the first week back into the classroom.  Teachers who spend the first week of school working on…

teacher identity in the online classroom

Recognizing Teacher Identity in the Online Classroom

In this article we look at recognizing teacher identity in the online classroom, its connection to self efficacy, and the challenges to mental health.  Teacher identity: is a set of beliefs, values, and commitments that an individual connects towards being a teacher. Self efficacy: is a set of beliefs in one’s own behaviors and ability to…

back to school tips for teachers to lower their anxiety

Six Back to School Tips for Teachers to Their Lower Anxiety

In this blog, we’ll explore six back to school tips for teachers that take the practical approach to reducing anxiety, staying organized, and starting the year with confidence and calm. The start of a new school year brings excitement, anticipation, and, for many teachers, a fair share of anxiety. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or…

the important role of boys in education header

The Important Role of Boys in Education

The Important Role of Boys in Education highlights the significance of understanding how boys learn, the barriers they encounter, and the strategies teachers can use to support their academic and personal growth. By fostering an environment that values their strengths and encourages their participation, educators can empower boys to reach their full potential and contribute…

teacher thoughts on educational policy

5 Top Teacher Thoughts on Educational Policy

Teacher thoughts on educational policy are closely connected to teacher morale, teacher efficacy, and motivation. In this article I look at sharing teacher thoughts on educational policy and helping improve teacher morale.  My teacher thoughts focus on teacher morale as it connects to educational topics. But before we mention morale, we need to understand that…

ChatGPT and the future of classrooms

ChatGPT and the Future of Classrooms

In this article we will look at ChatGPT and the future of classrooms from the perspectives of technology, lesson planning, and assessments in the classroom, focusing on the importance of ChatGPT and the future of classrooms in shaping modern education. The rapid advancement of AI technology is reshaping the way we approach education, and tools…