ways to build teacher-student relationships in school

5 Ways to Build Teacher-Student Relationships in School

In this article we look at 5 ways to build teacher-student relationships in school by discussing four important elements that make for a long lasting connections between teachers and students in any classroom. Good relationships are important for many reasons in life.  The approach teachers should take from day one, is one that is transparent…

classroom management vs discipline

Classroom Management vs Discipline In the Classroom

In this article we look at the relationship between classroom management vs discipline in K-12 education, and why it is important to understand the difference between clssrom management and discipline and their connections to learning. Let’s get into what both of these terms mean. What Is the Difference Between Classroom Management vs Discipline ? Discipline strategies are one…

benefits of journal writing for students

5 Benefits of Journal Writing for Students

What are some benefits of journal writing for students? Journal writing can be a powerful tool in a student’s educational journey. Not only does it enhance writing skills, but it also supports personal growth and emotional well-being. Whether students are jotting down daily reflections or exploring their thoughts on specific topics, journaling helps them develop…

math anxiety in the classroom

5 Teaching Strategies to Reduce Math Anxiety in Students

In this guide, we’ll explore five teaching strategies to reduce math anxiety, empowering students to approach math with a positive mindset and a renewed sense of capability. Let’s uncover how small changes in your teaching approach can make a big difference in your students’ learning journey! The good news is that with the right teaching…

genders in the classsoom

The Equality of Gender in the Classroom

This article takes a closer look at how the equality of gender in the classroom actually works to enhance learning. The equality of gender in the classroom means understanding the benefits both boys and girls bring to the classroom in how they approach learning information. Prior to middle school, generally there is not much difference…

behavior strategies inside the classroom

Top Behavior Strategies Inside the Classroom

Effective behavior strategies inside the classroom are essential for creating a positive learning environment and promoting student success. In this article we will discuss strategies that have been proven to work well. But before we do that, let’s talk about how much behavior management strategies have changed over the years in education. In the past,…

tips to problem solving in math

3 Tips to Problem Solving in Math

In this article, we’ll explore three tips to problem solving in math that can transform the way you approach math problems. From breaking down the problem step by step to testing your solutions, these strategies will help you tackle even the toughest math challenges with ease and clarity. Mathematics can sometimes feel like a puzzle,…

5 Ways to Improve Math Skills for Middle School Students

5 Ways to Improve Math Skills for Middle School Students

In this artlcle we look at fiv ways to improve math skills for middle school students. In particular we look at how students can integrate math in their everyday world and not see it in isolation. Middle school is a crucial time for students to build a strong foundation in math, as it sets the…

ways to teach for success

7 Proven Ways to Teach for Success in Any Classroom

In this article we offer 7 proven ways to teach for success to help teachers in building and maintaining a “recipe” for success with their approaches to teaching in order to make for a successful school year.  Recipes in the kitchen need essential ingredients to make every part of the meal something to remember. There are…